Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Sap Sap Monster - my side of the proposal story

Brad's not overly romantic, but if you've known me for half a day, you'll know that's suits me perfectly!

Every now and then his romantic side does show and this is a little something I like to call 'Sap Sap'

It's not unusual for me to get random (but oh-so-beautiful) vouchers for a movie, a night out, or a home cooked meal.   Corny rhyming poems are not a rareity either! 

So it wasn't unusual for me to have a crossword puzzle waiting for me last Wednesday night... 

Dave and I did our Citizenship ceremony and Brad and I joined him and Jen for a no-expenses-spared celebratory dinner at Pizza Express!!  On arriving home after a couple of glasses of red, I was put to work on the crossword puzzle that would change our lives!

Brad had made up his own crossword puzzle for me with rules to 'read aloud' and 'start at the top' and 'dont skip questions'.   The questions were all about our relationship, my qualities he admired and our future together.  Brad had to help with answers to a few of the ambiguous questions that my wino brain couldn't get, but we got there in the end.   I was made to repeat the last few words as I was oblivious to what was going on.   They spelled out 'Let's start our lives together'  Which is when the penny dropped and the flood gates opened!  Brad was on his knees and in his most petrified voice, managed to say 'Loryn Hawkey, I want to spend the rest of my life with you'

And that, my friends, was the beginning of a bottle of champagne, another bottle of red, a million phone calls.... and the start of something very very  special.

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